What is Tyresurance?
Tyresurance is a product from Silverstone Tyres (K) Ltd, in partnership with GA Insurance, which provides insurance cover on tyres bought and fitted at any of our ContiPartner retail stores and selected dealers countrywide, as per terms and conditions set out in the policy.
This cover ensures that the user doesn’t have to pay in full for replacement of damaged tyres.

Insured events
This covers for replacement of tyres damaged by road hazards, including but not limited to potholes, rocks, broken glass, kerbs and nails.
The event has to have happened on a Kenyan road and reported or brought to the tyre dealer within 7 days of the event happening. The date of loss shall be the date on which the insured event occurs and must fall within the period of insurance.

The tyres are covered whilst fitted on personal cars viz. Saloons and Sport Utility Vehicles (SUV’s) whose use is personal and domestic purposes only and driven on Kenyan roads.
Vehicles used for commercial purposes like fleets, Taxis, Matatu/buses, caravans, trailers, Vans, Pickups and car hire vehicles are EXCLUDED from this cover.
The cover ceases upon payment of a replacement claim under the policy.

Period of cover and Costs
This is a term policy which covers for upto 50,000kms and is:
- Free Of Charge for the one (1) year from the date of purchase.
- Extendable to three (3) years at an additional cost of 3% of the tyre cost, payable by the user only at the same time as the tyre purchase.

Benefit payment
The basis of coverage will be the remaining treads, which MUST be above the minimum tread depth as follows:
- Saloons – 1.5 mm
- Sports Utility Vehicles (SUV) – 2.0 mm
The user will be compensated on the remaining tread on the happening of an event. The tread will be measured and the difference between the treads as new will be what is subject to the claim. The remaining tread is expressed as a percentage of the tread when new. The remaining percentage of the tread is then expressed in monetary terms namely the value of a new tyre.

Claim Procedure
The user must report and provide the salvage tyre to the tyre dealer store within 7 days of occurrence of an insured event.
There are three scenarios of a claim viz:
- Claim on non-repairable tyre damage reported within 30days of cover or purchase date, subject to all other policy terms and conditions: The user will receive a full credit towards the purchase of the same or similar tyre from the tyre dealer.
- Claim on repairable tyre damage during the period of cover: The user is expected to pay for the repairs in full.
- Claim on non-repairable tyre damage reported after 30 days and before the expiry of cover period, subject to all other policy terms and conditions: The user receives a credit note baed on the remaining tread depth, to be utilized on the purchase of the same or similar tyre from the tyre dealer at the prevailing price. The user therefore might be required to top-up an amount for the replacement tyre.
A professional at the dealer store will evaluate the damaged tyre and establish whether its claimable as per the cover policy.
The tyre dealer retains the salvage tyre incase the damaged tyre is claimable and the claim is processed as per the policy.
The claim is processed immediately and upon meeting all the terms and conditions set out, the replacement tyre is offered immediately and any costs communicated to the customer.